Category: BLOG

For anyone who hires people you know it’s hard out there! Despite what the numbers are telling us, we all know how difficult it is to find and secure great talent! There are a lot of definitions to the word “courtship”. One of the definitions, according to Merriam Webster, is “an attempt to convince someone […]

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As hiring starts to ramp up again (thank goodness) one thing employers will be looking for are soft skills! Soft skills are becoming increasingly important as businesses look to add value to their workforce. In fact, the Wall Street Journal reports, “Competition has heated up for workers with the right mix of soft skills, which […]

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It’s never been more apparent how important continuous learning is for survival. I am fortunate to work for a company that understands how critical this is – not just for their employees, but for the customers they serve. Every two weeks, we provide free education to our clients and employees in the form of “Wicked […]

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Big props to the unsung heroes who bake our bread, deliver babies in the wee morning hours and answer the calls in the middle of the night. Those folks are so important – and so hard to recruit! But wait, are they? One thing I discovered working for Mid-West Family La Crosse, is using radio […]

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Are we now a “work from home” economy? Incredibly 42% of the U.S. labor force is now working from home full-time! (Stanford News June 2020) What has this done to our labor force and how is everyone holding up? One of the biggest concern’s companies have is the productivity of their “at home” employees. The […]

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There have been a lot of changes! Changes in how we work and where we work. Everything is different! Businesses are re-evaluating their business models and making some pretty significant transformations. So how do people not only survive, but thrive when everything they know is turned upside down? I don’t have any magic answers but […]

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